January 2025 v16
The following will apply at any event at which MVT members are appearing with a military display/exhibit at an event. Failure to follow these rules will invalidate your Personal Public Liability insurance and put you at risk of being ejected from the MVT at the discretion of the Council of Management.
1.1 Members are also required to treat all individuals fairly, with dignity and respect
1.2 Members should not act in a way that will bring the reputation of the MVT into disrepute.
1.3 MVT members are responsible at all times for themselves, and their guests, in terms of good behaviour.
2.1 Vehicles must be maintained in a legal, safe and roadworthy condition.
2.2 Owners must ensure their vehicles are correctly described on DVLA registration documents
2.3 Displays must also be in a safe condition, and consideration given for any substances that may be harmful to health.
3.1 Drivers must have a valid current UK full driving licence for the correct class of vehicle.
3.2 Drivers must be familiar with the vehicle when driving around the public. Driver’s must also have the full permission of the vehicle owner
3.3 Drivers and vehicles must carry a suitable valid motor insurance policy.
3.4 Outside public opening times, a properly supervised provisional licence holder is permitted to drive. The vehicle must display 'L' plates. Event organisers must pre-authorise this.
3.5 Children or non-license holders must never be in charge, or control of, a vehicle.
3.6 Vehicles must not be driven whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, in accordance with the road traffic act regulations.
4.1 Owners must ensure their vehicles are correctly described to their insurers
4.2 Vehicles and all drivers must be suitably covered for use on the public highway. It is the responsibility of the driver to confirm if they are covered or not.
4.3 Events where the MVT are represented as a group, must be covered by the MVT events public liability insurance. This is done through the Area Secretary on the events register.
4.4 Stall-holding, battle re-enactment and buying weapons are not covered by the MVT Personal Public Liability Insurance. Independent insurance should be sought.
5.1 Vehicles should abide by the speed limit in place for the event. Headlamps should be on and horn warnings given where required.
5.2 If no speed guidance is provided, vehicles must travel at no more than 5mph through an event. On road runs, the speed limit for that road/area applies.
5.3 When stationary, and where practical, all vehicles (except motorbikes) will be chocked to prevent any unexpected vehicle movement. Chocks must act in both directions.
6.1 All passengers must be sitting on appropriate seats fitted to the vehicle. There must not be more passengers on the vehicle than the insurance policy or driver’s license permits.
6.2 Passengers must be correctly seated in the seats fitted to the vehicle, children should properly supervised.
6.3 On fully armoured, tracked vehicles, no passengers or crew must be carried on the exterior of the vehicle under any circumstances.
7.1 On amphibious vehicles, all crew and passengers must be equipped with life-jackets when water-borne.
7.2 Prior to going in the water vehicle drivers are responsible for cleaning any oil off the vehicle and check for any leaks.
8.1 Tracked vehicles should not move through crowds unless absolutely necessary.
8.2 If movement is necessary MVT trained marshals (or at the least people that know the vehicle) should walk ahead and to the sides/rear of the vehicle to warn members of the public. Marshals must wear high visibility vest when marshalling (see further guidance on this in the MVT events safety guidance document).
8.3 Where necessary marshals should give verbal warnings of oncoming vehicles and the use of a horn or siren should be considered.
9.1 If any vehicle has restricted vision, a responsible adult must act as vehicle commander. It is the commander's responsibility to ensure both passenger and public safety. The commander is in charge of the vehicle and the driver should follow the commander’s instructions unless they see a potential risk.
9.2 The commander is responsible for passenger safety getting on and off the vehicle.
9.3 The commander must be in voice contact with the driver.
10.1 Drivers must ensure that any projections outside the normal overall width, length and height of their vehicle such as whip aerials or ring-mounted machine-guns, are properly secured before moving off, especially when moving through crowds or in areas with overhead cables.
11.1 Guidance will be provided to all attendees of an event about noise restrictions from the event organisers which should be followed.
11.2 No excessive noise should be made which could cause a nuisance to others.
11.3 Generators should not be used on a show site or camping site between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. unless otherwise stated or agreed by the show organisers. (For further guidance on generator use please see the MVT events guidance document)
12.1 All vehicles (where practical) will carry a suitable, modern type fire extinguisher.
12.2 MVT exhibits will have a modern type fire extinguisher available within their display space.
13.1 All members (where practical) will carry a small first aid kit on their vehicle.
14. PETS
14.1 All pet owners bringing their pets to an event must clear up after their pet, and, if required, keeping them on a lead.
14.2 Animals must never be left in warm vehicles, campers or enclosed spaces on a hot day.
15.1 There must be no discharge of any firearm, barrelled weapon, thunder flash or other explosive device at any event without prior permission of the organisers.
15.2 Replica and deactivated (not blank firing) guns may be carried during an event provided that they are not loaded, not fitted with a bayonet and not handled by members of the public.
15.3 All weapons must not be used in such a way as to cause anyone to feel threatened.
15.3 Deactivated weapons must be accompanied with their deactivation certificate at all times.
15.4 Prior to making any loud noise, a warning for the public must be given to alert them prior to making the noise.
16.1 Bayonets and knives must not be unsheathed when moving around an event. They may be unsheathed only as part of a static display of weapons and equipment and must never be left unattended.
16.2 Blades of any kind must not be taken into schools, cadet meetings or any events involving children.
17.1 Uniforms may be worn outside of events when it enhances the appearance of vehicles or promotes the Trust.
17.2 British medal ribbons and ranks to which the wearer is not entitled should not be worn as this constitutes an offence.
17.3 Uniforms should be worn correctly and in context.
17.4 Some uniforms, displays and symbols can be offensive to members of the public, members must wear uniforms and put on displays in a respectful way considering their potential impact on all possible members of the public. Saying it is realistic re-enactment is not enough.
17.5 The use of WW2 German SS uniforms, badges or flags is not allowed. There must be no visible SS runes or Skull & Crossbones, associated with the SS, visible.
17.6 The decisions of event organisers to remove displays, take down flags or ask for uniforms to be taken off the display must be abided by, and is final.
17.7 Re-enactors, and people who dress up, or put on a display, should speak to the event organisers before putting on a display, if they are aware that their exhibit may be controversial or cause offence.
17.8 Displays that have the potential for offending individuals must carry a warning sign, that is easily visible to the public saying ‘This educational event shows the impact and consequences of war, which may cause offence or distress. Please ask the exhibitors to find out more’
17.9 The Military Vehicle Trust is not a political organisation and members must not be seen to be representing any form of political party.
18.1 Members must be constantly vigilant for potential terrorist activity. Any suspicious behaviour/package must be reported immediately by dialling 999.
19.1 Members must not talk to any member of the press regarding MVT issues without talking to the COM first. Requests about war history, vehicles and displays does not require permission.
20.1 Events where the MVT are being represented by its members, including monthly meetings, must be recorded on the MVT events register by the local Area Secretary. Without this the event will not be covered by the relevant insurance.
21.1 Area Secretaries and members representing the MVT have a responsibility to ensure the security of members’ personal data such as names, e-mail address, bank details etc. Data must be protected in a way to comply with Data Protection legislation. Data may be in digital, printed or written form.
Further information on many of these statements may be found in the MVT Event guidance document