Join or Renew
If you are a vehicle owner or enthusiast, re-enactor or living historian, then why not join the MVT to help us
“ keep our Mechanical Veterans alive”?
“ keep our Mechanical Veterans alive”?
£40For two members living at the same address - they receive shared copies of Windscreen, the calendar and sticker but both enjoy all other member benefits for 12 months from joining date |
£40All single member benefits for 12 months from date of joining with postage supplement included |
MVT Member Benefits
To get more involved and support the largest charity in the World dedicated to keeping historic military vehicles alive, why not become a MVT member?
MVT members benefit from a comprehensive package of support and you don’t need to own a vehicle to join; you just have to have a passion for keeping to mechanical veterans alive to join - our members include
re-enactors, living historians and vehicle enthusiasts .
Click on each member benefit to find out more:
MVT members benefit from a comprehensive package of support and you don’t need to own a vehicle to join; you just have to have a passion for keeping to mechanical veterans alive to join - our members include
re-enactors, living historians and vehicle enthusiasts .
Click on each member benefit to find out more:
- Our award-winning magazine “Windscreen” published six times a year
- MVT Personal Liability Insurance which covers vehicles and displays when they are representing the MVT anywhere in Europe
- Insurance discounts with our partner firms
- 5% discount with Brittany Ferries for any route, with or without Military Vehicles
- Our telephone helpline with technical and other advice
- Free membership of Area Groups who organise meetings and events and enable members to enjoy the hobby locally
- MVT Merchandise from our Shop
- The MVT Calendar - sent out December
- Annual Vehicle Sticker- sent out December
- The MVT Sales and Wants Service
- The MVT Vehicle Verification Service
- Access to our members-only Facebook group
- Eligibility for our MVT awards
- Access to the Federation of British Historic Vehicles digital newsletter and other services
- Access to events, visits and tours both in the UK and abroad
- Guidance on taking vehicles abroad including support with licence applications (if required)
- Representation at local and national level about issues that impact on our hobby now and in the future.
Please help us make our membership system as
cost-effective and green as possible and help us to
keep subscriptions low
- If you have not already done so, please consider joining our Gift Aid scheme. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can enable us to reclaim tax on your subscription, effectively increasing the amount we receive by 25%. This means that the taxman will give us 25p for every pound you pay. You must be charged Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the year of donation at least equal to the tax treated as deducted from all Gift Aid donations. The income generated (over £30,000) by this scheme, equates to over £5 per membership and is crucial to us keeping subscriptions as low as possible
- Please consider setting up automatic renewal by Direct Debit as this is the most convenient and cost-effective and green method of payment and saves the Trust money
- Please provide an email address for paperless communications, as this enables us to save on postage costs and is better for the environment
How to Join or Renew
To join the MVT online, please create an account with our membership service providers, if you have not already done so. When you click on any JOIN button and you will get the "Create an account" page
Complete all the fields in the next screen and create and confirm your password. Do not add spaces at the beginning or end. Remember to make a note of these details for use in the future – they are case sensitive. Click the green button “Create my account” A verification email will be sent to your email address. Open the email and click on “confirm”. You will then be redirected to log in to your account for the first time To renew online, please go to your membership account and log in
and follow instructions |
- Check you have entered characters correctly – they are case sensitive and no spaces at the end or beginning are accepted
- Have you changed your email address since you set up your account? If so please ring the helpline to amend it
Membership Expired?
Don't Panic!
You can backdate your renewal and keep your original membership number but not online - you must do this by phone – please call 03333218977 and choose the join renew option 1. Your payment will be backdated and your next expiry date will be 12 months after your expiry date. Alternatively you can make a fresh application (rejoin) but you will get a new membership number |
Our Ts and Cs
- Single Members must be 16 years of age or over and Joint Members must be 13 years old or over.
- All members over 16 years of age (including joint members) are covered by our MVT PPLI insurance. This covers vehicles and artefacts when members are representing the MVT at events in the UK, provided they follow the MVT Code of Conduct.
- Joint members must reside the same address and both receive membership cards (despatched separately) and a shared copy of Windscreen. To change between single and joint members, please contact our membership helpline 03333218977, choosing the "join renew" option.
- By joining the MVT, you agree to abide by the MVT Memorandum of Association, the Articles of Association and the MVT Code of Conduct, and that you will not act in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the MVT, nor bring the MVT into disrepute. This includes acts involving media communication in the public domain.
- Members will receive confirmation of payment on joining and renewing and then a membership card within 3 days plus time for the Royal Mail to deliver. At the end of your membership year, you will receive a reminder approximately 6 weeks before and if your membership lapses you will receive a notice.
- Refunds will only be given if the payment amount collected by us is incorrect or if the payment is collected in error. The member will be asked to return their membership card in order to receive their refund. Refunds cannot be given if a member changes their mind or is dissatisfied or if a member is expelled.
- It is at the discretion of individual retailers as to whether they accept MVT membership as a valid reason for the purchase of realistic imitation firearms. The MVT will verify membership when members use their membership status to make such purchases.