Our Area Network
Hundreds of our members affiliate to one of our network of over 30 Area Groups which are run by our hard working team of Area Secretaries. They enable groups of like-minded military vehicle enthusiasts to offer each other local mutual support, share and discuss information, and organise and attend events together. Many visit schools and go on road runs and some even organise trips abroad. Most meet monthly to get together, socialise and enjoy the hobby. To find out more, please contact your local Area (see below)
Area Administration Page
Area Secretaries can access the Area Secretary Administration page on this website, which includes important and useful documents to support Area Secretaries in their work.
To find your nearest area use the map or list below. Click on the MVT Logos to find your nearest area.
No area close to where you live? If there isn’t an area near you and there is a group of people wanting to be part of an area, why not consider setting up your own? The Council of Management offer all the support necessary to establish a new area and you will receive ongoing support. It is a rewarding task and helps the MVT spread the word about the hobby. To find out more see below or contact our Arae Liaison Officer.
Forming a new MVT ArEA
Formation of a New Area
If a group of members wish to form a new Local Area, they should contact the Area Liaison Officer, who will guide them through the process. Financial and practical support is available .
To fulfill the requirements of the Charity Commission, the proposed Area Secretary must have been an MVT member for a full 12-month period and be able to sign the HMRC “fit and proper” person form and the Area Secretary Responsibility Form that confirms their understanding of the role and their intention to undertake their duties to the best of their ability. The new area should meet at least 30 miles from any existing area meeting and the views of neighbouring areas will be sought.
An AGM must be held within 3 months of establishment to confirm the appointment of the Area Secretary and adopt the Area Constitution.
Area Contact Details
Click on links for more information
Area |
Secretary |
Email |
Berkshire and Oxfordshire |
Robert Blunden |
Birmingham and West Midlands |
Raymond Bagley |
Andrew Palmer |
Cheshire and Merseyside |
Stephen Walling |
Cornwall |
Jon Hicks |
Devon |
Martin Pelling |
Durham and Tees Valley |
Ken Jackson |
East Surrey and West Kent |
Michael Sheehan |
Heathrow and West London |
Sarah Swan |
Huntingdon and District |
Richard Hunt |
Mid Lancashire |
Paul McNeilis |
Nick Cook |
Norfolk |
Tom Williamson |
Jonny Newbould |
Tim Gosling |
North Staffordshire |
Simon Henson |
North West |
Pete Cartner |
Northumbria and Tyne Tees |
Denny Thompson |
Severnside |
John Weedon |
Shropshire and Border Counties |
Ifor Roberts |
Neill Elliott |
South East Wales |
Richard Purkiss |
Paul Edwards |
South Midlands |
Amanda Acock |
South Wales |
Justin Legg |
Suffolk |
John Berry |
Surrey and Hampshire Borders |
Michael Burne |
Trent Valley |
James Needham |
West Pennines |
Steve Parker |
West Sussex |
Andy Kyte |
West Wiltshire |
John Wardle |
Wye Valley |
Don Jackson |
Brian Slingsby |
SOUTH Yorkshire |
Steve Farley |